Thursday, October 11, 2012

On this National Coming OUT Day of 2012, I thought I'd share a link that will allow you to modify a photo of you to use on your social media sites.  For most of us it was very hard to take that step to come out to our loved ones...but this can be a means to share with others what we all have accomplished by being honest with ourselves.  Have a Great Day Men.  Darrel

This is an "OUT!" picture of me, to celebrate National Coming Out Day. If you'd like to create one of/for yourself, there's a tutorial on deviantART that you can follow.
And this is the site you go to, to edit your picture:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! I missed this. Pretty cool. I am now just catching up to everything that happened as far back as Thursday. :) I may still try this.