Thursday, January 15, 2009

What's Morally Wrong with Homosexuality?

I think I want to get the entire video by Dr. John Corvino. Here's an extended version of the trailer. Thanks for the link, Craig!


Rene Rosechild said...

Great video, great speaker.

Tod Abrams said...

Awesome..this gay dad think so...

Spouse Walker said...


D said...

This was truly incredible!

David, Son of Walt said...

I am glad people are still watching this. I have since purchased the entire video. One hour presentation followed by a question and answer session. If you have ever had to answer such questions I think you'll find it more than worth every penny of the 25.00 USD. Dr. Corvino is basically saying, in a very condensed and more organized way, the kind of things I've been saying for years. Very very refreshing.